The Executive Committee

The Executive Committee of the Association has seven members and one representative from every EAP accredited institute that operates in Malta. The seven members of the Executive Committee are: the president, vice-president, general secretary, treasurer, public relations officer, Chair of the Ethics and Chair of Standards Committee.


Fatma Mahmoud

Financial advisor


Fatma Mahmoud

Financial advisor


Fatma Mahmoud

Financial advisor

The Executive Committee:

  • Manages the work of the Association between sessions of the Assembly
  • Carries out the decisions of the Assembly
  • Makes proposals for amendments and modifications of the Bylaws and of other general acts of the Association which are not under authority of other boards of the Association
  • Proposes the plan of work and financial plan of the Association
  • Develops programmes of activities according to the plan of work of the Association
  • Proposes appointment of new members of the Association
  • Proposes affiliation of the Association with other organisations
  • Convenes the Association at its own initiative or the initiative of at least one third of members
  • Submits reports on the work of the Association.