A continued development journey

The MAP defines CPD as a continued development journey that can take several forms of processes or activities that enhance the professional's knowledge base and personal skills to be able to carry out one's duties with continued competence.

This can be achieved by developing skills, knowledge and experience which were either not developed during the formal training or which need to be continually updated to reflect ongoing development in the profession of psychotherapy and modality and are not part of the routine work.

Mandatory CPD applies for all warranted psychotherapists who are in possession of a warrant issued by the Board for the Psychotherapy Profession in Malta.

"A warrant issued under this Act shall continue to have effect, provided that the warrant holder shall, every three years, prove to the satisfaction of the Board that he has carried out such programme, or programmes, of continuing professional development as may be prescribed."

Cap. 587 - https://legislation.mt/eli/cap/587/eng/pdf

MAP recommends the standards established above indicated and as National Umbrella Organisation (NUO) of the European Association for Psychotherapy (EAP) it also follows guidelines issue by the EAP.

You are required to complete an average of 50 hours per annum of CPD. This CPD can be taken in the following forms:

  • Advanced or additional professional psychotherapy certified courses / webinars / seminars / workshops.
  • Psychotherapy conferences / symposiums.
  • Professional activities in psychotherapy - elected to a Board and/or Committee / research in psychotherapy / voluntary work.
  • Participation in extra psychotherapy training as a supervisor/researcher/teacher.
  • Self-experience/therapy in one of the modalities recognized by EAP

The Board for the Psychotherapy Profession in Malta under the Ministry for Social Policy and Children's Rights, which is the national regulatory body for the profession of psychotherapy and established in accordance with Cap. 587 of the Laws of Malta, has established CPD frameworks and parameters for Registered Psychotherapists. These may be accessed via the link:


The Malta Association for Psychotherapists supports the adherence of such regulations that are now in force in accordance with the official link provided earlier of the Board for the Psychotherapy Profession in Malta (CPD).